The Power Guide
Planning your electrifying Spring Euphoria experience? Here's a handy guide to the wattage needs of common appliances, helping you choose the right power package for your campsite. Equip wisely and let the festivities begin!
* make sure to check the sticker at the bottom of your device for accurate details.
The Power List
Light Bulb: 25-100 watts per unit
Led light bulb: 5-13 watts per unit
Active Speaker: 350-500 watts per unit
Analog speakers sound system (two-way or three-way + subwoofers): 3000-18000 watts
Digital speakers sound system (two-way or three-way + subwoofers): 3000-12000 watts
Stage lights: 300-1000 watts per unit
Fan: 150-300 watts
Desert Cooler: 350-750 watts
Portable air conditioning: 1000-2000 watts
1 horsepower air condition: 1500 watts
2 horsepower air conditioning: 2500-3500 watts
5 Tons cooling air conditioning, three-phase: 12000 watts
10 Tons cooling air conditioning, three-phase: 21000 watts
TV screen: 50-400 watts
Projector: 150-1500 watts
Water pump: 150-500 watts
Water heater: 3000-4500 watts
Atmor water heating appliance: 2800-7500 watts
Electric kettle: 1200-1800 watts
Bread toaster: 800-1500 watts
Home baking oven: 1800-2800 watts
Home coffee maker: 1000-1500 watts
Home refrigerator: 120-800 watts
Industrial refrigerator: 600-2000 watts
Microwave: 600-1200 watts
Blender: 300-1000 watts
Electric Deep Fryer: 1200-3500 watts (one phase)
Electric Stove: 1500-2000 watts per unit
Water Heater for Jacuzzi: 1500-6000 watts
Kitchen mixer: 1000-1500 watts
Industrial baking oven: 6000-18000 watts
One-phase plancha: 3500 watts
Slushy machine single: 800-1200 watts
Slushy machine double: 1200-2500 watts
Electric scooter charger: 100-300 watts
Games console: 70-250 watts
Vacuum cleaner: 500-1500 watts
Hair Dryer: 800-1800 watts
Fan Heater: 1200-2500 watts
Mobile phone charger: 5-10 watts
Laptop charger: 45-100 watts